South Carolina Review

1968 –

The South Carolina Review is a literary miscellany featuring short fiction, poetry, critical essays, interviews, and book reviews. Founded at Furman University in 1968, the Review was edited and published there until June 1973, when it moved to Clemson University under the leadership of Richard J. Calhoun, who became editor. Other members of Clemson’s English department followed him as editor, and selected English department faculty members there served as advisers. For more than three decades the South Carolina Review had maintained its role as a vehicle for fiction writers and poets launching their careers, for critics and scholars desiring to share their insights and discoveries, and for reviewers intent on assessing the achievements of creative writers and outspoken scholars.

Among authors whose stories, poems, and letters have appeared in the South Carolina Review are Joyce Carol Oates, Fred Chappell, Mark Steadman, and Thomas Wolfe. Critical essays and reviews have ranged widely, from such grammatical issues as the spelling of alright / all right to the legacies of Robert Frost and James Dickey. In between, scholarly essays have examined such writers as Samuel Beckett, Gerard Manley Hopkins, William Gilmore Simms, and John Milton.

Special issues dedicated to single authors represent the special efforts of the South Carolina Review to promote the exchange of ideas and discoveries. Since its move to Clemson, the magazine has devoted issues to James Dickey, Robert Frost, William Butler Yeats, and Virginia Woolf. Entering the new millennium, a special issue, Ireland in the Arts and Humanities, signaled the journal’s aspiration to embrace both national and international literature. Yet the focus of the magazine remains southern and American literature.

Citation Information

The following information is provided for citations.

  • Title South Carolina Review
  • Coverage 1968 –
  • Author
  • Keywords literary miscellany featuring short fiction, poetry, critical essays, interviews, and book reviews, Furman University, moved to Clemson University under the leadership of Richard J. Calhoun, who became editor, Joyce Carol Oates, Fred Chappell, Mark Steadman, and Thomas Wolfe
  • Website Name South Carolina Encyclopedia
  • Publisher University of South Carolina, Institute for Southern Studies
  • URL
  • Access Date July 27, 2024
  • Original Published Date
  • Date of Last Update August 24, 2022
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