Indian Trade


Manuscript 1

A contemporary official copy attested by William Bull of 1756 reports on Indian affairs consisting of “Historical Relation of Facts delivered by Ludovick Grant Indian Trader, To His Excellency–the Governor of South Carolina” giving an account of Sir Alexander Cuming’s relation with the Cherokees, the visit of the chiefs to England, and Grant’s account of Christian Priber; “A Conversation between His Excellency the Governor of South Carolina and Chuconnunta a Head Man of the Cherokees, whose name formerly was Ouconscaw” regarding the Native American’s recollection of discussions about Cherokee lands between the Cherokee chiefs and King George; and depositions of Richard Smith, John Elliott, and Ludovick Grant regarding the events leading up to the 1755 meeting between Glen and the Cherokee chiefs.

Manuscript 2

A contemporary official copy attested by William Bull of 1756 reports on Indian affairs consisting of “Historical Relation of Facts delivered by Ludovick Grant Indian Trader, To His Excellency–the Governor of South Carolina” giving an account of Sir Alexander Cuming’s relation with the Cherokees, the visit of the chiefs to England, and Grant’s account of Christian Priber; “A Conversation between His Excellency the Governor of South Carolina and Chuconnunta a Head Man of the Cherokees, whose name formerly was Ouconscaw” regarding the Native American’s recollection of discussions about Cherokee lands between the Cherokee chiefs and King George; and depositions of Richard Smith, John Elliott, and Ludovick Grant regarding the events leading up to the 1755 meeting between Glen and the Cherokee chiefs.

Citation Information

The following information is provided for citations.

  • Title Indian Trade
  • Author
  • Keywords began in 1674, Dr. Henry Woodward, Cussitaws or the Westos, Yamassees, deerskins, guns, ammunition, hatchets, vermilion (red) paint, calico cloth, knives, hats, cloth, rum, hoes, mirrors, overhunt, craft skill atrophy, Yamassee War, could not keep pace with changing economic needs.
  • Website Name South Carolina Encyclopedia
  • Publisher University of South Carolina, Institute for Southern Studies
  • URL
  • Access Date October 7, 2024
  • Original Published Date
  • Date of Last Update August 5, 2022
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