Leigh, Sir Egerton

ca. 1732–September 15, 1781

Extracts from the proceedings of the High Court of Vice-Admiralty, in Charlestown, South-Carolina, upon six several informations, adjudged by the Honourable Egerton Leigh, Esq; sole judge of that court, and His Majesty's attorney-general in the said province, in the years 1767 and 1768. With explanatory remarks, &c. and copies of two extraordinary oaths. To which are subjoined, recapitulation, reflections arising from a retrospect of a late case, and some general observations on American custom-house officers, and courts of vice-admiralty.

Published by Henry Laurens, who also wrote the remarks and recapitulation. The "general observations" were written by Benjamin Chew. Cf. The papers of Henry Laurens, edited by George C. Rogers, v. 6. Rogers notes two states, with and without a footnote on p. 4, last count.

Extracts from the proceedings of the Court of Vice-Admiralty in Charles-Town, South-Carolina; in the cause, George Roupell, Esq; v. the ship Ann and goods: With a few explanatory remarks. To which is subjoined, some general observations on American custom-house officers, and courts of vice-admiralty. [Eight lines from Postlethwayt]

"Mr. Roupell, a searcher belonging to the custom-house, had ... seized a vessel belonging to Henry Lawrens ... This is a short, plain state of the case ... held before the Honorable Egerton Leigh ..."--p. iv. Published by Henry Laurens, who wrote the explanatory remarks. The introduction and "General observations" were written by Benjamin Chew. Cf. Rogers, George C., ed. The papers of Henry Laurens, v. 6. Rogers supplies the printers' names.

The man unmasked: or, The world undeceived, in the author of a late pamphlet, intitled, "Extracts from the proceedings of the High Court of Vice-Admiralty in Charlestown, South-Carolina," &c. With suitable remarks on that masterly performance. By Egerton Leigh. [Seven lines of quotation]

Henry Laurens, in the anonymously published Extracts of the proceedings ... (Philadelphia, 1768 and Charleston, 1769), charged Leigh with misconduct in his position as judge of the Court of Vice-Admiralty. Errata note, p. [17], 3rd count.

Citation Information

The following information is provided for citations.

  • Title Leigh, Sir Egerton
  • Coverage ca. 1732–September 15, 1781
  • Author
  • Keywords Lawyer, jurist, councillor, oppose reopening the courts during the Stamp Act crisis, became a member of the military commandant’s advisory board, the board of police, and an intendant (mayor) of the capital,
  • Website Name South Carolina Encyclopedia
  • Publisher University of South Carolina, Institute for Southern Studies
  • URL
  • Access Date July 27, 2024
  • Original Published Date
  • Date of Last Update August 9, 2022
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