Lieber, Francis
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Jackson’s popularity among the masses, his strong personality and leadership, and his underappreciated political skills redefined and strengthened the presidency during his two terms.

In 2001 the institution celebrated a legacy of two hundred years of educating South Carolinians by dedicating itself to continued improvements in the quality of service it offers to the Palmetto State.

A pro-Union political organization, the Union and State Rights Party, developed in 1830 in response to calls for nullification of the federal tariff in South Carolina. Fearing that nullification would spawn secession, Unionists opposed the doctrine by running candidates for city offices in Charleston and for legislative seats throughout the state in 1830.

Preston was appointed president and professor of belles lettres of South Carolina College in 1845 and assumed his post on January 1, 1846. Preston was an able scholar and a successful college administrator.

Lieber severed his association with Tuomey over perceived charges of plagiarism and turned his attention toward promoting (using the pen name “Metallicus”) a new survey of South Carolina.