Savannah River Scenic Highway
State parks near the scenic highway include Lake Hartwell, Sadlers Creek, Calhoun Falls, Hickory Knob, Baker Creek, and Hamilton Branch. These parks, situated on Hartwell Lake, Richard J. Russell Lake, and J. Strom Thurmond Lake, offer visitors camping, fishing, and numerous other recreational opportunities.
The Savannah River Scenic Highway stretches over one hundred miles from Oakway in Oconee County to the Georgia border in Edgefield County just south of Clarks Hill. It incorporates four state highways: 24, 187, 81, and 28. The highway is also a part of the South Carolina Natural Heritage Corridor, which extends from Charleston to Oconee County. Running along the Savannah River, the highway passes near numerous recreational and historical sites.
State parks near the scenic highway include Lake Hartwell, Sadlers Creek, Calhoun Falls, Hickory Knob, Baker Creek, and Hamilton Branch. These parks, situated on Hartwell Lake, Richard J. Russell Lake, and J. Strom Thurmond Lake, offer visitors camping, fishing, and numerous other recreational opportunities. Near Thurmond Lake the road passes through Sumter National Forest.
The scenic highway also incorporates several sites of historic interest. The restored Abbeville Opera House and Ninety Six National Historic Site, which features a museum and Revolutionary War battlefield, are both within reach of the road. Historic markers stand in the place of Willington Academy in McCormick County. The highway also passes through McCormick, which boasts a recently refurbished downtown including an art gallery, a diner, and a historic railroad depot.